Grassfed Steak Fajitas


Grassfed Steak Fajitas

We bought 1/8 of a grassfed cow last month, it was around 40 pounds of meat, and some of the cuts were not ones I usually buy. We have two packages of ‘fajita meat’ so I started looking around for recipes. I found a few that I tweaked together, and added in what veggies we had in the house to make this.  I’m not eating grains at the moment so I just had mine on a plate with a little shredded raw cheddar and they were delicious.  We all like them so much that I made it again a week later.



NOTE: What you see in the pictures is double the steak and the marinade ingredients listed. I wanted leftovers.

1 pound grass fed flank steak or skirt steak, cut into strips.


A few tablespoons of Olive oil

Juice of 1 organic lime

2 cloves organic garlic

½  teaspoon ground cumin

½ tsp chili powder

1/4 cup chopped fresh organic cilantro, including stems


1 large organic yellow onion

2 large organic bell peppers (I used one yellow, one red)

3 organic scallions

2 organic  zucchini, cut into little stick shapes

1 Tablespoon of organic Coconut oil


Serve with:

Tortillas, brown rice or on their own.

Shredded cheese




The meat we had was already cut into strips so I put it into a glass dish and tossed the meat with the marinade.  I covered it and let it marinate for a few hours in the refrigerator.

First I cooked the meat in a large frying pan with a little coconut oil, until cooked through, it took around 10 minutes. Then I took the meat out of the pan and set it aside, covered to stay warm.

Next I cooked the veggies in the same pan, with a little more coconut oil and cooked until they were done. Then I added the meat back into the pan and mixed them both together.

You can serve them with tortillas, brown rice, or as they are. They’re wonderful with a little cheese and salsa. Guacamole would be great too. Enjoy!

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6 Responses to “Grassfed Steak Fajitas”

  • Kara:

    These Fajitas look very tasty. I noticed you used grass fed beef which I love to eat. I recently switched and am very happy I did. I have a difficult time finding grass fed beef locally so I order mine online from La Cense Beef. If you ever need a place to get your meat from I suggest trying them. It’s very convenient because they deliver it to your home and the beef is always very fresh and tastes delicious.

    • Mom:

      Hi Kara,
      I don’t know La Cense but there are more and more farms offering wonderful grassfed meat, which is great.


  • Katie:

    Found this through Real Food Wednesdays… can’t wait to try the fajitas since I also have 2 packages of grass-fed flank steak in my freezer from a beef share!

    I have been enjoying cooking all these cuts of meat that I wouldn’t normally buy! This past weekend, I made cross-rib steaks (which are known for being not tender), simmered in a pan covered in french onion soup for like 2 hours and served with roasted beets and a baked potato…. yum!

    • Mom:

      Hi Katie,
      We have some cross rib steaks as well, that I haven’t used yet. Thank you for the great recipe idea!


  • This looks like a great recipe and I really like your website so I tweeted it.
    We often use flank or skirt as fajitas (although we usually like flank steak on the grill better). I make mine very similar to yours. We also use skirt in an oriental stir fry (similar veggies, different seasonings). The trick is quick cooking and not overcooking (the strips will toughen up).
    If you got a good beef, the cross-rib steaks may rival ribeyes in flavor (there’s usually a spot of connective tissue that you need to cut around- depends how your processor cut them up). We almost always grill them.
    While we do ship our beef, we encourage people to look for local suppliers. Your readers could search on or to find someone near them.

    • Mom:

      Hi Caryl. Thank you for all the great suggestions. It’s been a good adventure looking to cook cuts that I’ve never used before, and I’ve made some delicious new recipes.
