Posts Tagged ‘moms for safe food’
Meyer Lemon Cornmeal Cake
This rustic cake can be sliced and served or toasted before serving. You can serve it with any kind of fruit compote, fresh fruit, ice cream or cream. It was delicious.
To make a simple compote place fruit (I used plums) that have been peeled, pitted and sliced into a stainless steel pan. For 12 plums I used ½ cup water and ½ cup sucanat. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, for twenty minutes, then cool before serving.
If you don’t have Meyer Lemons around you can substitute regular lemon, orange or even tangerine zest.
Yield: Makes 8 servings
1 1/4 cups organic whole wheat flour
3/4 cup organic cornmeal
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon celtic or sea salt
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons Rapadura, sucanat or organic sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted pastured butter, room temperature
2 teaspoons (packed) finely grated meyer lemon peel zested – finely grated
4 large organic, pastured eggs, room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup whole-milk organic plain yogurt
Position rack in center of oven and preheat to 350°F.
Butter 9 x 5 x 3-inch metal loaf pan. Dust pan with flour; tap out excess.
Whisk 1 1/4 cups flour, cornmeal, baking powder, and salt in medium bowl.
Using electric mixer, beat sugar, butter, and meyer lemon peel in large bowl until fluffy, about 2 minutes. Add eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in vanilla.
Add flour mixture in 3 additions alternately with yogurt in 2 additions, beating just until blended after each addition. Spread batter evenly in pan.
Bake cake until golden and tester inserted into center comes out clean, 50 to 55 minutes.
Transfer to rack; cool in pan 5 minutes. Run knife around cake edges to loosen. Invert cake onto rack, then invert again on rack (top side up). Cool completely. DO AHEAD: Can be made 1 day ahead. Wrap in plastic and store at room temperature.
Cut cake crosswise into 1/2-inch-thick slices; serve with plum compote/ vanilla ice cream. Enjoy!
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Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality
Here’s another article that Jeffrey gave us permission to share, in his wonderful speaker training.
Moms – if you are feeding your babies soy formula – it IS GMO – read the below.
Non-GMO day is this coming Sunday – lets all call the companies that make baby formula and tell them that we DON’T want GMOs – genetically modified soybeans – in baby formula:
Mead Johnson makes Enfamil, Pregestimil, Nutramigen, and Nutramigen AA – 1-847-832-2420
Abbott Labs Ross division makes Similac, Isomil, Alimentum, and EleCare (800) 551-5838
Nestlé the largest producer of formula in the world, makes Good Start; owns Gerber, 1-800-284-9488
Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality
By Jeffrey M. Smith
April 20, 2010
“This study was just routine,” said Russian biologist Alexey V. Surov, in what could end up as the understatement of this century. Surov and his colleagues set out to discover if Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) soy, grown on 91% of US soybean fields, leads to problems in growth or reproduction. What he discovered may uproot a multi-billion dollar industry.
After feeding hamsters for two years over three generations, those on the GM diet, and especially the group on the maximum GM soy diet, showed devastating results. By the third generation, most GM soy-fed hamsters lost the ability to have babies. They also suffered slower growth, and a high mortality rate among the pups.
And if this isn’t shocking enough, some in the third generation even had hair growing inside their mouths—a phenomenon rarely seen, but apparently more prevalent among hamsters eating GM soy.
The study, jointly conducted by Surov’s Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Association for Gene Security, is expected to be published in three months (July 2010)—so the technical details will have to wait. But Surov sketched out the basic set up for me in an email.
He used Campbell hamsters, with a fast reproduction rate, divided into 4 groups. All were fed a normal diet, but one was without any soy, another had non-GM soy, a third used GM soy, and a fourth contained higher amounts of GM soy. They used 5 pairs of hamsters per group, each of which produced 7-8 litters, totally 140 animals.
Surov told The Voice of Russia,
“Originally, everything went smoothly. However, we noticed quite a serious effect when we selected new pairs from their cubs and continued to feed them as before. These pairs’ growth rate was slower and reached their sexual maturity slowly.”
He selected new pairs from each group, which generated another 39 litters. There were 52 pups born to the control group and 78 to the non-GM soy group. In the GM soy group, however, only 40 pups were born. And of these, 25% died. This was a fivefold higher death rate than the 5% seen among the controls. Of the hamsters that ate high GM soy content, only a single female hamster gave birth. She had 16 pups; about 20% died.
Surov said “The low numbers in F2 [third generation] showed that many animals were sterile.”
The published paper will also include measurements of organ size for the third generation animals, including testes, spleen, uterus, etc. And if the team can raise sufficient funds, they will also analyze hormone levels in collected blood samples.
Hair Growing in the Mouth
Earlier this year, Surov co-authored a paper in Doklady Biological Sciences showing that in rare instances, hair grows inside recessed pouches in the mouths of hamsters.
“Some of these pouches contained single hairs; others, thick bundles of colorless or pigmented hairs reaching as high as the chewing surface of the teeth. Sometimes, the tooth row was surrounded with a regular brush of hair bundles on both sides. The hairs grew vertically and had sharp ends, often covered with lumps of a mucous.”
(The photos of these hair bundles are truly disgusting. Trust me, or look for yourself.)
At the conclusion of the study, the authors surmise that such an astounding defect may be due to the diet of hamsters raised in the laboratory. They write, “This pathology may be exacerbated by elements of the food that are absent in natural food, such as genetically modified (GM) ingredients (GM soybean or maize meal) or contaminants (pesticides, mycotoxins, heavy metals, etc.).” Indeed, the number of hairy mouthed hamsters was much higher among the third generation of GM soy fed animals than anywhere Surov had seen before.
Preliminary, but Ominous
Surov warns against jumping to early conclusions. He said, “It is quite possible that the GMO does not cause these effects by itself.” Surov wants to make the analysis of the feed components a priority, to discover just what is causing the effect and how.
In addition to the GMOs, it could be contaminants, he said, or higher herbicide residues, such as Roundup. There is in fact much higher levels of Roundup on these beans; they’re called “Roundup Ready.” Bacterial genes are forced into their DNA so that the plants can tolerate Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. Therefore, GM soy always carries the double threat of higher herbicide content, couple with any side effects of genetic engineering.
Years of Reproductive Disorders from GMO-Feed
Surov’s hamsters are just the latest animals to suffer from reproductive disorders after consuming GMOs. In 2005, Irina Ermakova, also with the Russian National Academy of Sciences, reported that more than half the babies from mother rats fed GM soy died within three weeks. This was also five times higher than the 10% death rate of the non-GMO soy group. The babies in the GM group were also smaller (see photo) and could not reproduce.
In a telling coincidence, after Ermakova’s feeding trials, her laboratory started feeding all the rats in the facility a commercial rat chow using GM soy. Within two months, the infant mortality facility-wide reached 55%.
When Ermakova fed male rats GM soy, their testicles changed from the normal pink to dark blue! Italian scientists similarly found changes in mice testes (PDF), including damaged young sperm cells. Furthermore, the DNA of embryos from parent mice fed GM soy functioned differently.
An Austrian government study published in November 2008 showed that the more GM corn was fed to mice, the fewer the babies they had (PDF), and the smaller the babies were.
Central Iowa Farmer Jerry Rosman also had trouble with pigs and cows becoming sterile. Some of his pigs even had false pregnancies or gave birth to bags of water. After months of investigations and testing, he finally traced the problem to GM corn feed. Every time a newspaper, magazine, or TV show reported Jerry’s problems, he would receive calls from more farmers complaining of livestock sterility on their farm, linked to GM corn.
Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine accidentally discovered that rats raised on corncob bedding “neither breed nor exhibit reproductive behavior.” Tests on the corn material revealed two compounds that stopped the sexual cycle in females “at concentrations approximately two-hundredfold lower than classical phytoestrogens.” One compound also curtailed male sexual behavior and both substances contributed to the growth of breast and prostate cancer cell cultures. Researchers found that the amount of the substances varied with GM corn varieties. The crushed corncob used at Baylor was likely shipped from central Iowa, near the farm of Jerry Rosman and others complaining of sterile livestock.
In Haryana, India, a team of investigating veterinarians report that buffalo consuming GM cottonseed suffer from infertility, as well as frequent abortions, premature deliveries, and prolapsed uteruses. Many adult and young buffalo have also died mysteriously.
Denial, Attack and Canceled Follow-up
Scientists who discover adverse findings from GMOs are regularly attacked, ridiculed, denied funding, and even fired. When Ermakova reported the high infant mortality among GM soy fed offspring, for example, she appealed to the scientific community to repeat and verify her preliminary results. She also sought additional funds to analyze preserved organs. Instead, she was attacked and vilified. Samples were stolen from her lab, papers were burnt on her desk, and she said that her boss, under pressure from his boss, told her to stop doing any more GMO research. No one has yet repeated Ermakova’s simple, inexpensive studies.
In an attempt to offer her sympathy, one of her colleagues suggested that maybe the GM soy will solve the over population problem!
Surov reports that so far, he has not been under any pressure.
Opting Out of the Massive GMO Feeding Experiment
Without detailed tests, no one can pinpoint exactly what is causing the reproductive travesties in Russian hamsters and rats, Italian and Austrian mice, and livestock in India and America. And we can only speculate about the relationship between the introduction of genetically modified foods in 1996, and the corresponding upsurge in low birth weight babies, infertility, and other problems among the US population. But many scientists, physicians, and concerned citizens don’t think that the public should remain the lab animals for the biotech industry’s massive uncontrolled experiment.
Alexey Surov says, “We have no right to use GMOs until we understand the possible adverse effects, not only to ourselves but to future generations as well. We definitely need fully detailed studies to clarify this. Any type of contamination has to be tested before we consume it, and GMO is just one of them.”
To learn more about the health dangers of GMOs, and what you can do to help end the genetic engineering of our food supply, visit
To learn how to choose healthier non-GMO brands, visit
International bestselling author and filmmaker Jeffrey Smith is the leading spokesperson on the health dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods. His first book, Seeds of Deception, is the world’s bestselling and #1 rated book on the topic. His second, Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, provides overwhelming evidence that GMOs are unsafe and should never have been introduced. Mr. Smith is the executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology, whose Campaign for Healthier Eating in America is designed to create the tipping point of consumer rejection of GMOs, forcing them out of our food supply.
Below’s a link to Jeffrey’s must read, Genetic Roulette:
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The Next Food Revolution
We have a terrific guest post today, from my friend Joanie. Thanks Joanie!
The Next Food Revolution
By Joanie Blaxter
“A farmer friend of mine says ‘I don’t raise hogs any more. I manufacture pork. That’s my business and my buildings are like an assembly line at an automobile factory. And out of the end of those buildings actually come animals, but I’m not really interested in the animals. I’m interested in the attributes those animals have. I’m interested in the chop. I’m interested in the ham. The animals are just carriers of attributes the consumer wants.’ ”
Dr. Michael Boehlje, PhD, Professor
Center for Food and Agricultural Business
Purdue University
When you go to the supermarket and pick up those colorful boxes or bags marked “organic,” what images are evoked in your mind? A family farm with healthy vegetables and happy cows in the pasture lovingly guided by Mr & Mrs Farmer…? Well, to be honest, even if I don’t consciously believe that image, I still do feel good knowing there are no petrochemicals used in the growing of my food. What could be better?
Well, unfortunately, a lot…
Supermarkets excel at one thing: moving stuff long distances extremely cheaply. And supermarkets do this at a profit, a much better profit by the way, than the margin made by the small farmer at your local Farmers’ Market. Supermarkets can sell the same thing cheaper than a family farmer and still make money solely because their agri-business suppliers are gigantic producers of one single thing: beef, corn, oranges, etc.
Organic or not, by definition every time we purchase from a supermarket chain we have personally lined the pockets of Big Ag. Along with that organic but cheaper tomato comes all the problems inherent in a factory food system: increased risk of contamination (sewage sludge on the fields, mechanical harvesting and handling, etc), inhuman labor practices, a much larger carbon footprint due to being transported long distances, and most important, absolutely no sense of land stewardship. Monoculture, factory farms owned by agri-business have a single bottom line: profit. And none of this information is included in the lovely graphics on the package.
Have you purchased eggs at Trader Joe’s recently? Better check to see if they’ve been recalled due to salmonella contamination. TJ’s mega-supplier of Sunshine (like those hens ever see the light of day!) eggs is well known in the industry for repeated contamination violations and yet this company has never been shut down. Meanwhile the FDA is spending enormous amounts of their budget putting small farms out of business for selling clean, safe, raw milk with no record of any problems for their customers. Have you ever read that the FDA closed a restaurant for serving sushi that made customers ill? So why focus on one kind of producer and not the other? Sorry, that’s another story for another time (hint: follow the money…).
Joel Salatin is a farmer, author and leader in the eco-agriculture movement. And yet his farm is not certified organic simply because he refuses to go through the paperwork. Furthermore, he will not transport his product more than a 4 hours’ drive, so you’ll never see his superior, grass-fed beef carried in Whole Foods. Or any supermarket for that matter. Why? Salatin refuses to participate in a food system that he thinks is inherently structured incorrectly. He believes people should personally know who produces their food. The greatest guarantee of quality is relationship. If you can visit the farm where your food is grown, what better guarantee is there?
In his book Holy Cows and Hog Heaven, Salatin says ““Supermarkets, organic or otherwise, do not do a good job of creating food connections, maintaining integrity, or especially insuring that farmers get a living wage. Supermarkets are predicated on pitting all their suppliers against each other on price, paying their vendors up to 90 days after product delivery (this finances the store on the vendors’ money), and carrying no loyalty to local producers who must deal with seasonality and cash flow… Except for a few notable locally controlled exceptions, supermarkets cater to the empire builders. And any producer who aspires to sell there is starstuck, not customer struck.”
I think we in the Green movement have been somewhat lulled to sleep by the label “organic.” Back in the 70’s, all organic product came from small, diversified farms and was therefore synonymous with “locally and sustainably grown.” But for better or worse, that is no longer true. And just as we began the process forty years ago of educating consumers concerning the health benefits of eating organic, these times now require a new wave of consciousness about the critical importance of sustainable land stewardship designed to support local economies.
As Michael Pollan says, Vote with your fork! “Cheap” food is not cheap because what’s rung up at the cash register is not the true cost. The hidden bill is paid by bankrupt family farmers, by migrant farm workers, by our children and our children’s children. It’s paid by the earth. Can’t afford to buy direct from the farmer? Or can’t afford not to?
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The Tipping Point
I just finished taking a fabulous 5 session GMO activist training with Jeffrey Smith. He’s so knowledgeable about GMO’s and about how to pass along the information about them in an empowering way. This year the focus is to reach the tipping point where consumers outright reject GMO’s. Monsanto would like us to just eat organic foods to avoid GMO’s but what will really make an impact is when we are telling the processed food companies that we will not eat there products until they are GMO free. See our ‘What You Can Do’ page for the phone numbers of the Frankenfood Fifteen,
They can make their same products, in exactly the same way but without the GMO ingredients. Since I don’t what my kids to be the lab rats for the untested GMO food, I am boycotting any processed foods until they no longer use any GMO ingredients. If we hit them in their profit margin, they will pay attention!
Here’s an article from Jeffrey Smith, posted with permission.
It’s time to reclaim a food supply without dangerous genetically modified organisms (GMOs). And we can do it—together.
When European consumers said no to GMOs, the food companies kicked them out. As more and more US consumers rejected GM bovine growth hormone, most dairies and brands, including Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Kroger, Dannon, and Yoplait, responded.
No we are joining forces nationwide in the Campaign for Healthier Eating in America—designed to achieve the tipping point of consumer rejection of GMO to force them out of the market.
October is Non-GMO Month and 10-10-10 is Non-GMO Day. Between now and then, we will send out a series of articles you won’t want to miss.
Find out:
•About the serious documented health risks of genetically modified (GM) foods.
•Why children and pregnant mothers are most at risk.
•How scientists who uncovered these findings were threatened, vilified, and fired.
•About the sneaky ways the industry scientists rig their research to avoid problems.
•The way the biotech industry hijacked the FDA and regulators worldwide, and ignored the warnings of their own scientists about GMO health risks.
•Which brands are non-GMO, so you can protect yourself and your family.
•What you can do to make this campaign go viral.
•Why even 5% of US consumers choosing healthier non-GMO brands could achieve a tipping point, eliminating GMOs for the rest of the nation.
After you read these articles, please pass them onto your entire network, and encourage them to do the same.
It is past time for us to look to the government to bail us out of this mess. We are on the top of the food chain, and we can make things happen—together.
Safe eating.
Jeffrey M. Smith
To learn more about the health dangers of GMOs, and what you can do to help end the genetic engineering of our food supply, visit
To learn how to choose healthier non-GMO brands, visit
International bestselling author and filmmaker Jeffrey Smith is the leading spokesperson on the health dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods. His first book, Seeds of Deception, is the world’s bestselling and #1 rated book on the topic. His second, Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, provides overwhelming evidence that GMOs are unsafe and should never have been introduced. Mr. Smith is the executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology, whose Campaign for Healthier Eating in America is designed to create the tipping point of consumer rejection of GMOs, forcing them out of our food supply. Watch the free online video today, for the big picture.
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You can buy Genetic Roulette by Jeffrey Smith, at Amazon, link below. Highly Recommended!
Fresh Tomato Sauce
We’ve had a great bumper crop of tomato’s this year, so I pulled this recipe out of my files. We’ve made it every summer for a number of years now and it’s always a treat.
• 6 tlbs. Organic Olive Oil
• 1 medium organic Onion cut into 1/4-inch slices
• 1 medium organic carrot, peeled and cut into 1/4-inch thick slices
• Celtic salt or sea salt and fresh cracked organic pepper to taste
• Hot Pepper flakes to taste (optional)
• 5 cloves organic garlic, chopped
• 4 pounds ripe, fragrant organic heirloom tomatoes, cored and cut into 1/2-inch wedges
• 1/4 C chopped organic Basil
Heat large Dutch oven or heavy bottomed saucepan over medium heat.
Add 3 tablespoons of the olive oil, the onion, and carrot and season with a pinch of salt and red pepper flakes. Cover and gently cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are tender, about 10 minutes.
Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute, then add the tomatoes and stir to combine. Cover again and cook, stirring occasionally, until the tomatoes are very juicy, 10-15 minutes. Uncover and continue to cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally for 30 minutes.
Add the basil and cook 5 minutes more. Stir in remaining Olive Oil. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper if necessary. If it’s too acidic, you can add a pinch of rapadura, if it’s too sweet a drop of red wine vinegar.
If you would like a thicker sauce cook down until it reaches the desired consistency.
Serve over any type of pasta – we use organic whole wheat or organic rice pasta – and enjoy!
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Grass fed Lamb Burgers
Curried Lamb Burgers with Mint Raita
We bought some wonderful grassfed ground lamb and as we love Indian flavors we decided to try these burgers. They were amazing. My husband said it was his favorite burger ever. They were easy to make and delicious too.
Makes 6 Burgers
* 1 cup organic plain whole-milk yogurt (preferably Greek-style)
* 3 tablespoons chopped fresh organic mint
* 2 tablespoons chopped fresh organic cilantro
* 1 1/4 teaspoons finely grated organic lime peel
* Coarse kosher salt
* 2 tablespoons organic olive oil
* 1 1/4 cups chopped organic onion
* 1 teaspoon coarse celtic or kosher salt
* 2 teaspoons organic curry powder, mild or spicy, your choice
* 1 3/4 pounds ground pastured, grassfed lamb
* 3 tablespoons chopped fresh organic cilantro
* 1 teaspoon organic black pepper
*Mix yogurt, mint, cilantro, and lime peel in small bowl. Season to taste with coarse salt and pepper. Cover; chill until cold, at least 30 minutes and up to 4 hours.
* Heat 2 tablespoons oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add onion, ginger, and 1/2 teaspoon coarse salt. Sauté until onion is tender, about 8 minutes. Mix in curry powder and stir 30 seconds. Remove from heat. Cool onion mixture to room temperature, at least 15 minutes.
*Place lamb in large bowl. Add onion mixture, 1 teaspoon coarse salt, cilantro, and 1 teaspoon cracked pepper. Blend mixture gently; shape into six 1/2-inch-thick patties.
*Prepare barbecue (medium-high heat). Place burgers on grill. Cook until grill marks appear, about 4 minutes. Turn burgers over. Cook burgers to desired doneness, about 4 minutes for medium-rare.
*Serve with rice, pita bread or even a bun, with the Riata on top, or on the side as you prefer. Enjoy!
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Easy Egg Custard
Here’s another custard recipe that I decided to try this past week. You don’t need to scald the milk just mix everything together and bake. It was just as good as last weeks Sweet Potato Custard and even easier to make. Everyone loved this one!
4 large eggs
1/3 cup rapadura, honey, maple syrup or organic sugar
1/8 teaspoon celtic sea salt
2 1/4 cups raw whole milk
1/2 teaspoon organic vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon freshly grated organic nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon organic cinnamon
The custards can be refrigerated overnight.
1.Preheat the oven to 350°. In a large bowl, beat the eggs and honey. Add salt, spices and stir until dissolved. Stir in the milk & vanilla. Pour custard mixture into six 4-ounce custard cups.
2. Set the cups in a large roasting pan and place in the oven. Pour 1 inch of hot water into the roasting pan and bake the custards for about 30 minutes, or until just set. If your milk is cold is can take 35-40 minutes so just add 5 minutes or so if they’re not set yet. Remove from the water bath when cool enough to handle. Serve warm, at room temperature or chilled.
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Organic Sweet Potato Custard
We had a left over sweet potato that the kids weren’t eating so I started looking for recipes and found this one. It was fantastic! It’s very easy and a fancy enough dessert to serve to company. I think it would also work well with pumpkin (will try that next). My husband has already requested that I make it again.
* 1 3/4 cups whole organic raw milk
* 3 large pastured eggs
* 1 cup pureed organic sweet potato
* 1/3 cup rapadura or organic sugar
* dash celtic sea salt
* 1/2 teaspoon ground organic cinnamon
* dash ground organic nutmeg
* dash ground organic cloves
* dash ground organic ginger
* freshly ground organic nutmeg or organic cinnamon for topping
Heat oven to 350°. Butter 6 5- to 6-ounce custard cups; set cups in a large baking or roasting pan.
Heat the milk until very hot, set aside.
In a mixing bowl, lightly beat the eggs. Add sweet potato, sugar, salt, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, and dashes of nutmeg, cloves, and ginger. Whisk in milk and beat until well blended. Pour into the prepared custard cups.
Heat about 5 to 6 cups of water until nearly simmering.
Place the pan with cups in the hot oven then fill the outer pan with the very hot water until the water is about halfway up the side of the custard cups.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until edges are firm. The center of the custards will still jiggle a bit. Allow a little more time if you’re using larger custard cups, and check early if using very small or shallow cups.
Remove cups from water immediately and place on a wire rack to cool. Cover the cooled custard with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. The custards may be stored, covered, in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
Makes 4 to 6 servings, depending on the size of the cups.
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A Day of No GMO Demonstrating
(Sheila and I at the Demonstration)
We had a wonderful gathering yesterday at the San Diego Convention Center.
There was a Science Conference, and Monsanto was there talking about their ‘sustainable’ plans for the future of food. (It’s unconscionable that they’re using the word ‘sustainable’ in their talks about the devastating destruction they are doing to our food and environment)
I first heard about the demonstration last Wednesday from my friend Sheila. (thank you Sheila!) She belongs to a San Diego Community Farm & Garden meet up group and it was Carly who first suggested getting people together to demonstrate.
Everyone was terrific about getting the word out. I think we had at least 100 people there with only a 3-4 day advance notice. The signs were fantastic and Tim spent over an hour leading us in some great chants as we marched in front of the convention center.
It’s been so long since I’ve demonstrated, that I wasn’t sure what to expect. Was the convention center going to tell us to leave? Would the police come? Well, the security at the center was wonderful. They only asked us not to block the crosswalks and other then that left us alone. The people from the conference for the most part were great as well. Some ignored us and some took brochures and flyers and asked questions too.
My hope, with Moms For Safe Food has always been to educate. I think there are many people who still don’t even know that GMO’s exist and I do think we reached a great number of people yesterday.
The Institute of Responsible Technology sent me a box of Non-GMO shopping guides and other wonderful resources.
Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness brought a backpack full of The Institues ‘GMO Health Risk Brochures’. I gave away every last shopping guide and there were a number of us passing out the brochures. Sean has a great video of the day here:
It was such an empowering experience joining together with a group of people who are also committed to spreading the truth of what Monsanto is doing to our food supply and environment. It is my sincere hope that this is the first of many more demonstrations. Power to the People!
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Broccoli Quiche
In my search for recipes to use the wonderful eggs we get from our chickens, I came across a recipe I used to make years ago, Broccoli Quiche. It’s still delicious and very easy to make. You can use a frozen pie crust or make your own.
2 tablespoons organic butter
1 organic onion, minced
1 teaspoon minced garlic
2 cups chopped fresh organic broccoli
1 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust
1 1/2 cups shredded raw milk cheese, whatever you like: Swiss, Cheddar, etc
4 pastured eggs, well beaten
1 1/2 cups raw, whole milk
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon organic butter, melted
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Over medium-low heat melt butter in a large saucepan. Add onions,
garlic and broccoli. Cook slowly, stirring occasionally until the
vegetables are soft. Spoon vegetables into crust and sprinkle with
3. Combine eggs and milk. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in melted
butter. Pour egg mixture over vegetables and cheese.
- 4.Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutess, or until center has set. It can take up to an hour.
Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 30Minutes
Servings: 6
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